Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 21 Podcasts

I don't like to sound like a broken tape recorder, but due to Web Marshal and expired links I got no useful information on the topic of podcasting. I did try my friend Google, but unfortunately this time I was left disappointed.
I didn't give up easily, but could not afford to spend more then an hour on this futal quest. One day I might ask my 13 year old daughter to show me at home, but for now I had enouth.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Week 20

Due to my usual enemy the WEB MARSHAL, I couldn't explore the You Tube. I didn't give up and gone to yahoo and had little bit of a look there. I can see the fun in it, but the up load is too time consuming for my busy life. The sides are user friendly and I had a full success at my first try of adding the clip as an entry in my blog.

I LOVE pointy shoes!!!!!

Hot Shots: To the Point with Pointy Shoes @

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Week 19 - Week of fun.

I sooo loved this week, with the freedom to go wherever I pleased.
I am sure that to anyone who knows me, it is not surprising that I went straight for the retail therapy.

My favourite from the list of winners was the Stylehive. I could just stay there forever and work my little golden credit card to death, if it wasn't for my husbands foresight and confiscation of the "magical piece of plastic". Regardless of this obstacle, I still enjoyed tremendously the exploration of this site. All the news and fresh points of view, much better then any fashion magazine.The amount of links to fallow and ease of access to more information made this really interesting.

I don't see any practical use for that in the library. We don't sell anything and in previous weeks we already explored some of the sites that could be highly beneficial and were listed among the winners under different categories.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

week 17 more about Wiki

I tried to follow the provided instructions, but found impossible to add my blog name to the list at the end of the link that was provided in this weeks exercise. After clicking on the "edit" I was requested to log in and then the "edit" option just disappeared.
I tried different approach and created my own wiki to which I linked my blog. The costumer service at the Wiki is pretty good and I received some easy to follow instructions to do things. I think that was probably the reason why the instructions on Learning 2.0 were so poor, it was a cleaver way to guide me towards more extensive exploration of the Wiki.
Hey if you like you can find me there [http://bootsshoesandhandbags.pbwiki.com]

Friday, April 3, 2009


Wikis look like a great discussion tool. People world a part can create things together using this as a amazing vehicle for collaboration.

In the library system I see its use as a way to get opinions and ideas. Then the ideas can be taken further in to open dyscussions as a source of feedback from wide range of people, library users and nonusers.

Could make the library experiance even more interactive and feel less "stif" for the younger users.

We could have opinions about our collections and reviews of the items available in the library,or new books available for purchase, helping controlling our collections through collecting feedback from the “reading community”.

I don’t see Wikis as the best source of information, since there is no guarantee for the information to be correct.In my book a fakt should always be dry and untuched by emotions.

Friday, March 20, 2009

I just wanted to share with every one my fevered place in the world. I visited my little town in Poland in the middle of autumn last year. Under the colourful blanket of leafs you can see stone steps from 1400. They are treacherously uneven, but who cares. Pass the steps there is a most picturesque park, it is growing where before WW2 was the rest of the town, now completely hidden under hungry vegetation. It proves that every evil can with time turn and grow to something new and beautiful

Week 15

The reading for the week 15, about the web2.0 was a real eye opener. Working in one place for a little while, we tend to loose the view of the bigger picture.

Personally I love books. I love everything about them. I enjoy not only the content, but the feel of it in my hands, the texture and rustling of turned pages. To me it creates that little bit of magic that is a book. Therefore I am not too excited about reading books on internet.

However, once I put my personal preferences out of the picture it becomes very clear that we have a responsibility to grow with the technology and social changes. Libraries were never only storage for books, but true providers of information, places of knowledge and supporters of free thought and if we are to fulfil our role we have to find ways to accommodate our patrons, using new tools and strategies.

Web 2.0 with library2.0 show new, modern way to follow our purpose and as long as we stay open to new and better ways, we will do just fine.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


OK, I find this much less useful then Delicious. Maybe because I lead more of my life outside the world of the net and people blogs don’t really interest me, unless I know them personally and use their blogs as a way to learn more about them. I have more use for websites with my interests on them, therefore I can not see much of a use for Technorati in my daily life.

If I need to find any information, image or a site I prefer to just Google it. It gives more clear answers and feels more user friendly.

For the fun of it and to test the waters, I did join the Technorati. Well I just sit and wait, see if anything happens (I’m not holding my breath ….)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Del.icio.us ? YES!!!

OK, I have to admit, that at first I was overwhelmed by the size of Del.icio.us . I wasn't sure what to do with it, how to dig in. All it took, was a dip breath and a hot cup of tea to help open my mind and putting as a search word something like designer_shoes. The gates opened and I was in my personal shopaholic heaven.
BUT WAIT there is more, how about having a look at one of the more popular site, that 170 (at the moment) tagged, and bingo I found this beautiful shelf for my ooo sooooo many books at "How to Make and Install Hungarian Shelves".
I like, that you can see how many people thought that it was worth tagging. It gives you incentive to go and check it out for yourself, even if it includes word like "shelves" and "install". I tried with book titles and authors as well and got some nice results.
The hole thing felt like googling through people personal preferences.
The only problem that I encountered was when our beloved WEB MARSHAL blocked me, when after all the excitement I tried to create an account with Del.icio.us , but I wont cry for long I just try again at home.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Rollo to go shopping