Friday, March 20, 2009

I just wanted to share with every one my fevered place in the world. I visited my little town in Poland in the middle of autumn last year. Under the colourful blanket of leafs you can see stone steps from 1400. They are treacherously uneven, but who cares. Pass the steps there is a most picturesque park, it is growing where before WW2 was the rest of the town, now completely hidden under hungry vegetation. It proves that every evil can with time turn and grow to something new and beautiful

Week 15

The reading for the week 15, about the web2.0 was a real eye opener. Working in one place for a little while, we tend to loose the view of the bigger picture.

Personally I love books. I love everything about them. I enjoy not only the content, but the feel of it in my hands, the texture and rustling of turned pages. To me it creates that little bit of magic that is a book. Therefore I am not too excited about reading books on internet.

However, once I put my personal preferences out of the picture it becomes very clear that we have a responsibility to grow with the technology and social changes. Libraries were never only storage for books, but true providers of information, places of knowledge and supporters of free thought and if we are to fulfil our role we have to find ways to accommodate our patrons, using new tools and strategies.

Web 2.0 with library2.0 show new, modern way to follow our purpose and as long as we stay open to new and better ways, we will do just fine.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


OK, I find this much less useful then Delicious. Maybe because I lead more of my life outside the world of the net and people blogs don’t really interest me, unless I know them personally and use their blogs as a way to learn more about them. I have more use for websites with my interests on them, therefore I can not see much of a use for Technorati in my daily life.

If I need to find any information, image or a site I prefer to just Google it. It gives more clear answers and feels more user friendly.

For the fun of it and to test the waters, I did join the Technorati. Well I just sit and wait, see if anything happens (I’m not holding my breath ….)