Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Week 21 Podcasts

I don't like to sound like a broken tape recorder, but due to Web Marshal and expired links I got no useful information on the topic of podcasting. I did try my friend Google, but unfortunately this time I was left disappointed.
I didn't give up easily, but could not afford to spend more then an hour on this futal quest. One day I might ask my 13 year old daughter to show me at home, but for now I had enouth.

1 comment:

Christian West said...

Interesting video clip. It makes me want to go out and wear uncomfortable pointy shows so that my legs look longer!

If webmarshall is stopping you from performing the activities then let Inna or Jarrod know. One of them should be able to get IT to unblock the sites you need.

Hi from Yarra! :)